Prayer for Fellow Prisoners
18 May @ 16:00 - 17:00
Eighty years have passed since the end of World War II, but the music and words from that time still carry a powerful reminder of human endurance, faith, and hope. The central piece of the concert, Gebete für Mitgefangene, conveys a deeply personal story through texts written by the theologian and resistance fighter Dietrich Bonhoeffer during his time in prison. The composer Knut Nystedt, who himself played services for his fellow countrymen on their way to death during the occupation, has clothed these words in a poignant musical form.
An opportunity to reflect on history, human strength, and the eternal light in the shadow of darkness.
Knut Nystedt Gebete für Mitgefangene op. 142
Kathrin Lorenzen soprano
Johan Hammarström organ
Welcome to the organ concert Folklore and Angels. Johan Hammarström performs Preston, Laurin, von Koch on the Storkyrkan Marcussen organ.
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